Friday, November 8, 2013

DIY Framed Flower Vase!

I love this project! I just got mine put on the wall and it adds a lot of fun flair to my kitchen! What you need: a glue gun, craft twine, picture frame, small vase and accent flowers.

Step 1: Remove the backing and glass in your picture frames. You're not going to need either of these items so go ahead and toss them. I Suggest buying inexpensive frames, I got mine for $1 at Walmart. Another fun option to do with these cheapo frames is to spray paint them your desired color. I wanted mine black so there was no need for that step, but it's totally an fun option.

Step 2: Attach your twine to your vase. I bought these tiny vases at Walmart for $1 they come in a few colors and I love the unique pattern
. To attach the twine add a drop of glue to the neck of the vase. Wrap the twine around the vase then directly above where you began gluing add another drop. Repeat this step until you achieve the amount of loops you want. It's good to glue all on one side so you can't see your gluing job in the front.
Step 3: Attach the twine and vase to the picture frame. Before gluing I wrapped the twine around the middle of the frame to make sure the length of the twine was good and also I was able to experiment with how low I wanted the vase to hang. Once you've found the right length wrap and glue in the center of the frame. I looped my twine two to the left, then two to the right so my string hung directly in the center. Trim your extra twine. 
Here is the finished project! You can always add extra embellishments such as buttons or bows to your frame. Find some small flowers to place in your vase and Wallah you've made some fun inexpensive wall decor!  
I had it on the wall and decided what they heck, let's add a bow. SO CUTE! ;)

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