Tuesday, November 12, 2013

DIY Fall popcorn kernel and red bean centerpiece

So about 2 weeks ago it was my 6th wedding anniversary and my husband sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers in this fun and unique vase. About twice a year I get flowers ( 1 for our anniversary and 1 for my birthday/valentines day) and it's only taken me 6 years to see the value in the vases that keep coming my way.  So here is another fun project that takes something old or unused and turns it into something new!

What you need: Vase, candle, small bag of popcorn kernels, small red beans, twine and scissors.
Step 1: Fill the bottom of your vase with kernels then stick in your candle. Begin layering your kernels and beans. You'll have to hold your candle until you have a few layers dumped in. Layer until you've reached your desired pattern. 

Step 2: You're pretty much done, just add a little twine or ribbon around the neck of your vase and your Finished. Easy, simple and sooo cute!

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