Friday, June 13, 2014

stress relief gift

One of my friends is getting ready to move soon and as someone who moves a lot I know it can be really stressful! So I wanted to make her something to possibly help relieve that stress. I saw several other little renditions of this stress relief kit, but I tweaked and combined a few that I loved and ended up with this adorable mason jar/bubble rap present.

The basic design is below, you can probably just copy it into word and make it your own. I attached it and the bubble wrap and gift tag to a small candy filled mason jar and presto you're finished!

I got the bubble wrap and mason jar at the dollar store.
The candy I bought at Winco in the bulk foods section so I didn't have to buy several bags of candy.
Use twine, scrap paper and crafty decor at your own free will!

Hope everyone has a happy stress free day!

Stress Relief
Directions: Simply pop stress relieving 
capsules ever 4-6 hours or as need.
If symptoms persist grab some chocolate!
Snickers- To give you a good laugh!
Hershey Kiss- To make everything feel better!
Andy’s Mint- To help you remember everything will 
turn out as it’s “mint” to be!
